Mosque and Church

Sejak kebelakangan ini, teramat banyak muncul di dada-dada tabloid berkenaan isu pertikaian kedudukan agama Islam dan agama-agama lain di negara kita.

Tulisan Jawi menjadi perbalahan dan dituduh sebagai endokrinasi agama.
Laungan azan dibantah di beberapa tempat didalam negara, tak kurang juga di kolej-kolej.
Masjid diarahkan untuk menutup pembesar suara kerana mengganggu komuniti.
Ekstremis agama cuba memecah-belahkan warga watan.
Influks warga asing dari tanah lain untuk tujuan politik kotor turut kian tersingkap !

Sebenarnya sudah banyak kali jua pihak Muslim memberi hujah dan jawapan kepada isu tersebut, tetapi ada lagi yang masih tidak puas hati malah memutarbelitkan fakta.

 Sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia yang menuai hasil penat lelah nenek moyang dahulu kala, dan juga sebagai seorang Muslim yang sedaya upaya sedang cuba pertahankan Tuhan dan agamanya, saya terlintas untuk menulis sedikit pandangan dan penjelasan yang ringkas mengenai isu ini. (Fokuskan kepada isu masjid dan azan)

Mungkin saja blog terpencil ini tidak mampu reach out kepada semua orang, namun bagi saya tidak mengapa kerana hanya satu matlamat saya.

Biarlah tulisan ini menjadi bukti dan saksi di Hari Hisab kelak, bahawa saya turut telah cuba dengan sedikit usaha untuk mempertahankan Islam dari dihina di Tanah Air sendiri.


With all respect, I begin my brief 2 cents and thoughts with the Name of Allah The Most Beneficient, The Most Merciful.

Let me ask you,
If you live somewhere in Europe, the home of Christianity, you'll definitely see lots of churches.


Reverberating sounds of church bells, calling the faithful to services will be all around you at a certain time in the day.


The number of those who attend churches is not as many compared to the number of Christians living around the churches.

But still, the bells will keep ringing as scheduled. It's something that's just there for hundreds/thousands of years.

Since the majority of the population and the historic formation of the country has strong Christianity background, was once spread and protected by the massive Roman Empire. Therefore Christian SHOULD be respected as the most influential religion there.

Muslims there didn't and shouldn't complain about the bells. The country and the Christian people have the most reasonable right to continue the Christian/Churches rituals in the middle of everyone.

Now let's reflect on the country where you are living and making a life out of it right now.

It is built by our ancestors long ago with struggles and sacrifices, along with strong Islamic influences. The Muslim Malay Kingdom was submitting to and protected by the  Ottoman Empire.
Back then, we were already living in harmony under the ruling of the Muslim Kings until we were colonised.

The sense of responsibility and jihaad for Islam was one of the keys to the successful establishment of this free country.

Now, the majority of the people here are Muslims. With lucid and solid Islamic background before, during, and after the formation, it is simply understood why Islam is the constitutional religion in Malaysia.
Muslims in this country do and shall have the right to practice Islamic rituals like Azan in the middle of everyone.

Mosques in Muslim countries should be respected equally the same as we respect churches in an official Christian country.

So please stop making up issues that should not even be an issue. Regarding the volume or loudness, that's something you can discuss modestly.
 Be noted that, not just the speakers, it also depends on the Muazzin's voice (the one who recites the Azan). Some have a higher pitch and naturally loud voice but some are lower.

The bells at churches also sometimes ring quite loud and sometimes sounds milder. Depends on the skills of the bellringers.

Hope to enlighten you.

~ Hidup untuk berbakti, Bukan sekadar menikmati ~
